The vision of the Council is to be a world-class leader in coordinating skills development.


The mission is to coordinate and oversee a TVET system that produces a globally competitive workforce through quality-oriented and demand-driven learning for national development.


To coordinate and oversee all aspects of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Ghana.

Latest News

There are many swoon-worthy duos who represent the ideal of Eastern marriage goals, despite the fact that the Brangelinas and Beyonce of the West does receive all the attention. These couples demonstrate that years distance relationships you succeed if both parties put in the effort, from K-pop stars who are each other’s best friends to...

The recent mass shootings targeting Asian women highlight the intersection of racism and sexism. Harmful stereotypes about Asian women can be seen in movies, TV shows and in the comments on social media. These stereotypes can lead to fetishization or overlooking of Asian females, which makes it harder for them to climb the career ladder...

Many sugar daddies ( and mommas ) find this way of life to be a welcome change from high-drama relationships. They want a woman who can maintain their social plan, remain intelligent, well-informed, and able to engage in conversation. They even want a girl who is open to trying out new things. They want...

Our Contacts

Address: COTVET, Trinity Ave.

Phone: +233-312-291965


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